020 8558 4988

About Us

Founded in 2010, Lura Construction is a family business at heart, providing a professional and personal service to each and every client and their stakeholders. Our mission is to build better communities.

Our size means we have the power to deliver projects large and small, with the agility to respond quickly when required. Our expert and experienced team take pride in their reliability and the quality of their work. We operate a direct delivery model and directly employ over 100 tradespersons allowing for superlative quality control and response times.

The company has extensive experience of working for public sector clients and has established strong and accredited quality management and health and safety processes.

Our accreditations include

Lura sustainability


  • Our team includes PAS 2035 qualified assessors
  • Our sustainable designs for works meet and often exceed client expectations


  • We use locally sourced supplies and suppliers
  • We us recyclable and renewable materials
  • Extended lifecycles of suitable materials are the most sustainable way to build; we source durable materials and will propose alternative, improved specifications where extended life cycles can be achieved


  • Our aim is always to improve Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) ratings for every home we work on. This includes installing insulation measures, energy efficient windows and doors, draft exclusion, quality roofing, solar PV installation, air source heat pumps and energy efficient appliances.


  • Zero avoidable waste-to-landfill policy; in practice this means that over 95% of our waste is recycled


  • We operate green travel plans to minimise additional vehicle emissions
  • Regular despatches from our central warehouse to site to avoid use of large, more polluting vehicles
  • Deliveries outside peak travel times to minimise journey times and emissions
  • Green travel arrangements for the Lura team: from assistance with travel card purchases to encourage use of public transport, to car or van sharing and cycle-to-work schemes
  • Rolling transition to all-electric vehicles, with an electric fleet of vans by 2025

Lura social impact

We endeavour to leave a lasting legacy through the high standard of workmanship evident in every project, but we also strive to create social value through a range of initiatives each and every year.

We employ trade apprentices and train to NVQ Level 3, fully supporting individuals to complete their training and develop as skilled tradespeople. We also provide work experience placements for trade and administrative apprenticeships, offering invaluable experience and widening the horizons of those at the beginning of their career in our sector.

Once a year, every member of the Lura Construction management team takes part in a ‘Tools Down’ day, to contribute to the improvement of community facilities or green spaces, such as volunteering to do painting or gardening. These projects are also supported by a donation of relevant materials from Lura Constructions.

We use the Housing Associations’ Charitable Trust (HACT) Value Insight Tool to understand and measure the impact of our commitments and provide value for money statements. This tool, widely used in the housing sector and beyond, helps us to identify how and where social value is generated most effectively. This also makes us accountable for our commitments and is used to highlight how they have been met and exceeded.

Building Better Communities

020 8558 4988